VETRX TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Order Bridge and other services)

  1. OVERVIEW. These license terms permit installation or activation and use of one copy of the VetRx software in one Practice, along with other rights, all as described below. The software is licensed, not sold. The Practice agrees not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software or make more copies of the software than specified in this agreement.
  2. TERM. This agreement will take effect as of the effective date for a period of twelve (12) months. The agreement will automatically be renewed for an additional 12 month period. The agreement can be terminated by either party with thirty (30) days written notice. Following termination the Veterinary Practice will have thirty (30) days to uninstall the VetRx software and return any and all materials relating to the program. VetRx will provide the required support to uninstall the software as needed.
    1. Allow VetRx to install or activate the VetRx software on the Practice’s computer system (server) that contains the practice management system.
    2. To enable the Order Bridge service the Practice agrees to transfer to VetRx information about orders such as: product codes, vendor codes, quantity ordered, PO number. Practices not wanting to use the order bridging service can opt out of this data extraction.
    3. Practices using the Order Bridge service agree to promptly review each submitted order and immediately communicate with the appropriate vendor or distributor if any changes need to be made to the order.
    4. To enable all Other Services (except for the order bridge), the Practice agrees to transfer to VetRx information about pet owners (and their pets) such as: unique identifier code; date of pet’s first visit to Practice; pet’s birth date; species; breed; weight; purchase history; name of the veterinary Practice; veterinarian name; pet owner name; address (street number, street, city, province, postal code); e-mail address; available telephone numbers and the pet’s name. Practices not wanting to use the Other Services can opt out of this data extraction.
    5. For practices using Other Services the Practice agrees to review educational materials that will be sent to pet owners, as well as established criteria determining which pet owners will receive the materials and inform VetRx of any specific programs they would like to opt out of.
    6. Allow VetRx to have reasonable access to their staff in order for VetRx to provide proper training and support.
    7. Follow all applicable laws in regards to the collection, protection and usage of personal information.
    1. Provide the appropriate educational materials to registered pet owners.
    2. Limit the number of pet owner contacts to a maximum of eight (8) per year and one (1) per month.
    3. Maintain the complete anonymity of all participating Practices and pet owners.
    4. Implement appropriate security measures in order to protect confidential data.
    5. Train and support Practice staff in relation to the VetRx software and educational programs.
    6. Provide quarterly reports to the Practice highlighting pet owner participation.
    7. Follow all applicable laws in regards to the collection, protection and usage of personal information.
    8. Inform the Practice within 48 hours and take appropriate action to remedy the situation, in the unlikely event that data is transferred to VetRx despite the Practice having opted out of either the Order Bridge service or all Other Services.
  5. LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY. Except for any copyright infringements or negligence relating to the protection of confidential pet owner information by either party, both parties agree that any damages requested will be limited to the actual physical damages excluding any loss of profit or exemplary punitive damages. VetRx assumes no responsibility for any costs associated with errors related to the order bridging service.
  6. APPLICABLE LAWS. This agreement will be governed by the laws of the province in which The Practice resides.